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We were going to move forward with the project anyways. We told each other that regardless of getting any funding, this project was too important to us as a team and as individuals. We constantly asked the question “Would you still do this for free?” Although this kind of thinking and this mentality was a really good litmus test for members of our crew, it was still a task to move forward; doing all of this work without a tangible reward at the end of the journey. But all that has changed.

I’m so happy to announce that our application to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Film and Video Individual Project has been awarded a GRANT!!! GuitarBorn has officially been funded! We are all beyond excited. Someone else out there believes in what we are doing and sees the potential in our project. Believes in us enough to reward us 15K lol! Just wow…

What does this mean for GuitarBorn? In the context of our trajectory, our commitment and our goals, absolutely nothing. As mentioned, we were going forward with this thing regardless. But when it comes to compensating some of our crew for all the work they’ve done so far and obviously going forward, it means everything. For Cliff and I, we are already no doubt invested. There is no turning back. But for our Director of Photography, Jonard and our Marketing Director, Hilary who have graciously been with us since the beginning, this helps acknowledge their craft and contributions to GuitarBorn. This is the kind of validation is exactly what we need to help us push through.

We can see now that GuitarBorn was never meant to be about us filming the guitar making process that ends with a concert. We are creating a movement to inspire like minded people to continue pursuing their own creative passions regardless of the “conventional life”. It takes patience, time and the right people around you who will help support you along the way and keep you motivated and focused.

-- Noel

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