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I’ll begin to say that I haven’t been keeping up with the blog as much as I have in the recent past. A lot is going on, but I don't want...
Saying "No"
I need to be setting more realistic expectations for myself when I KNOW weeks are going to have more pressing priorities. This is...
Incremental Improvements.
Last week was an absolute grind. Fresh off the successful AFA grant notification, I literally spent almost 2-3 hours a day practicing. ...
Strength & Weakness
I’ve heard this saying so many times in this year alone, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. I finally learned that this...
Flexibility and readjusting is the key.
ISSUE #11 It takes a lot of coordination to get the team together for meetings and filming. But when we do, the creative juices flow. I...
Staying Inspired
While waiting for the wood, parts, tools, and ‘all of the above’, as sad as it is to say, I lost some momentum because of the weather. ...
I miss playing full pieces from beginning to end. After weeks of learning notes, breaking up pieces into manageable parts, drilling then...
Looking Foward
It’s been slow week on the guitar build. I don’t have all the tools necessary to complete binding the guitar. Made the order last week...
Same Page.
I closed the guitar body this week. While filming, Jonard asked, “what does this step mean to you, how does it make you feel? I...
Take your time. Think. Reflect.
I had a dream earlier this week about bracing the top and back. When I woke up from my dream, I got excited to realize I actually had to...
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