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Growing pains.
Lately this has all been a pain in the neck…no seriously, I've been getting this shooting pain at the back of my neck. Initially, I...
Chalk up another week of 3 hours/day of practicing!!! Yay! In between my 9-5, taking care of kids, spending time with my wife, cleaning...
Planning is Recalibrating.
Life comes with challenges, and with each challenge, comes opportunity. Even though I’m stressed at work trying to get everything done...
Stay in your lane.
If there is one thing I’ve learned since starting the GuitarBorn journey, it’s that there will always be challenges. It’s never going to...
Dust off, drive forward.
Last week was a tough one for our team. We managed to put together the completed STORYHIVE grant application...but by the skin of our...
Success is not found in Solitude.
This will probably be the one of the more important blogs that I write. What can I say . . .this project is REAL. It’s a combination of...
I should know better.
What a crazy few weeks! The crew has been spending the last few weeks working on a grant application for yet another funding opportunity...
Do What Helps Others
On my way to the US to meet a close person in my life. I’ve had this planned prior to beginning this project and finally seeing it...
New Technique! Thank you internet...
I was super excited about a new technique I learned while struggling through the Albeniz last week. There is this one section that...
Strength & Weakness
I’ve heard this saying so many times in this year alone, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. I finally learned that this...
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