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Stay in your lane.
If there is one thing I’ve learned since starting the GuitarBorn journey, it’s that there will always be challenges. It’s never going to...

My Focus has Shifted
Let’s face it; distractions will steer you away from the things you want to do most. We call that life. Work is taking control of my...

Success is not found in Solitude.
This will probably be the one of the more important blogs that I write. What can I say . . .this project is REAL. It’s a combination of...

I should know better.
What a crazy few weeks! The crew has been spending the last few weeks working on a grant application for yet another funding opportunity...

Creating World Class
This week was another week away from the guitar build. It’s just that kind of year. It may seem like I’m complaining, but I’m not. ...

Saying "No"
I need to be setting more realistic expectations for myself when I KNOW weeks are going to have more pressing priorities. This is...
Strength & Weakness
I’ve heard this saying so many times in this year alone, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. I finally learned that this...

Staying Inspired
While waiting for the wood, parts, tools, and ‘all of the above’, as sad as it is to say, I lost some momentum because of the weather. ...

I miss playing full pieces from beginning to end. After weeks of learning notes, breaking up pieces into manageable parts, drilling then...

Pinky Problems
I’ve been using my phone to “selfie-record” myself playing. The aim is to give our followers a taste of some of the music I’m learning. ...
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